Our range of Gouache paint, available in sets or individual tubes, has just the colour you need for your next masterpiece! Shop our extensive range today! Read More
If you’re looking for gouache paint, then we have a great range of products. Many artists newer to the world of paints have one question in common - what is gouache paint? Gouache paints are opaque watercolours that are popular with designers, illustrators and commercial artists. In addition to its colour pigment, the paint also contains a white pigment such as chalk. It is this element that gives the paint its opacity and gives it a unique finish. Unlike other paints, gouache can be reactivated with water in the event that you want to change a piece of your work.
Gouache paint dries very quickly and it is possible to overpaint dry gouache with lighter colours. Gouache is well known for its versatility and brilliance and is the perfect medium if you love watercolours but want a more vibrant finish. If you’re thinking about using gouache paint on one of your projects, then make sure you take a look at our range. We stock quality gouache paints and sets from leading brands like Winsor & Newton and Royal & Langnickel.
Learning how to paint with gouache can be straightforward, and although gouache paints are like opaque watercolours, there are some different techniques to use when working with gouache paints. You can water down your gouache paints so that they more closely resemble a typical watercolour, or you can build up the layers to create an effect similar to what you get when working with acrylics. This is such a versatile paint that you can even rewet gouache. Rewetting gouache paint allows you to bring back to life and change a finished painting.
Find out how artist Emma Block uses gouache paints in her work over on our blog. Or, if you’re ready to shop, you’ll find everything you need in our range of quality and affordable gouache paints. Make sure you pick up everything else you need for your next masterpiece, including brushes, canvas and palettes.
Best Gouache Paints
The best gouache paints will provide you with a strong and consistent colour and a smooth finish with no bits in the paint. Any good Gouache brand will have a high proportion of dry pigment. You can mix brands for colour choice but cheaper gouache paints have a grainy effect and can ruin your painting.