First developed in 1881 as one their two foundational products, the HORADAM Aquarell range from Schmincke is available in several varieties, each offering a broad assortment of professional-quality watercolours.
But just what are these ranges... and how do they differ from one another? That’s what we’re here to answer today, so let us introduce you to these amazing paints.
Our featured artist this time around is Pauline Joseph, an incredibly talented & varied artist that works in a broad variety of both mediums & styles, for some truly unique works inspired by the masters of old. We caught up with Pauline to find out just what makes them tick.
In honour of our newly expanded canvas range, let us walk you through a basic breakdown of canvas stretching, step-by-step.
The second of our Printmaking blogs, in which we focus on the broad variety of inks and help guide you as you get started on your creative journey.
Join us as we embark on the first (of many) trips into Printmaking. This first edition covers the simple basics, but in future will expand to include all you could ever want to know!
Join us as we run through the key features of the impressive Luminance 6901 coloured pencil range from Caran d'Ache.
Available both individually & in various sets, their palette of 100 colours feature highly concentrated pigments, a unique creamy binder and sustainably sourced materials.
Paint smoothly and efficiently with our Flat Large Area Brush Set. These brushes are ideal for quickly covering big surfaces and produce consistent, professional-quality results. Suitable for both home and professional use.
Our latest range of high-quality, exciting art materials direct from the US comes from Daniel Smith Inc.
Let us introduce you to this highly regarded variety of materials, with unique additions including luminescent colours and paints made using genuine, semi-precious minerals including Lapis Lazuli and Jade.
In honour of our “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” sale, we wanted to add to our ongoing series of blogs focusing on sustainability.
In the past, we did a deep dive into the new, ever-impressive Recycled Canvas from Liquitex in “Old Materials, New Ideas” before discussing materials from Da Vinci, Seawhite, Sennelier & others in “A Focus on Sustainability”.
Today we’ll be spotlighting a long-time favourite with Khadi Papers & the brand-new Studio GREEN range from Pebeo.